Nama Unit di UNDIP
Diponegoro University
Ex : The Academic and Student Affairs Bureau has the task of carrying out services administration in education, registration, statistics, student transfers, services interest in reasoning abilities of students, student welfare services, career coaching services, student information services, relationship services alumni and other tasks as determined by the Chancellor.
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[contoh] Increasing Turkey Productivity, FPP UNDIP Lecturer Develops Alternative Feed for Turkey
Turkey has great potential to be developed as an alternative source of animal protein. However,...
[contoh] Increasing Turkey Productivity, FPP UNDIP Lecturer Develops Alternative Feed for Turkey
Turkey has great potential to be developed as an alternative source of animal protein. However,...
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[contoh] Increasing Turkey Productivity, FPP UNDIP Lecturer Develops Alternative Feed for Turkey
Turkey has great potential to be developed as an alternative source of animal protein. However,...